Shut Off Cock and Reversing Cock (3-way-cock) with lubrication system, approved stem sealing system in accordance with TA-Luft
Type P57
Additional Info
- Type: P57
- DIN PN: 10 - 40
- DIN DN: 65 - 300
- ANSI Class: 150 - 300
- ANSI NPS: 2 1/2 - 12
- Temperature rating: -20ºC - 80ºC
- Body forms: Straight pattern body 'Straight pattern body
- Basic shell material: Founding - Spheroidal graphit cast irons for example: EN-GJS-400-15 (GGG-40); A 536 Grade 60-40-18
- Connexions: Flanged ends, Threaded ends, Other requirements
- Operation: Wrench, Lever, special coke oven plant operation system
- Application: Especially for coke oven gas in coke oven plants, battery heating system
- Approvals: VDI 2440/TA-Luft
- Automated and control valve (1)
- Bellows sealed valve (EURO CHLOR) (2)
- Bellows sealed valve (2)
- Packed gland valve for cryogenic service (6)
- Check valve (1)
- Bellows sealed gate valve (1)
- Change over valve (2)
- Manual globe control valve (2)
- High pressure valve (2)
- Bellows sealed valve instrument valve and manifolds (7)
- Packed gland instrument valve and manifolds (7)
- Strainers (2)
- Tanker valve (1)
- 3 way valves (2)
- Coke oven gas valves (1)